SpaceFlex Technology

SpaceFlex Technology

Implants, Prosthetics


G21 designs and manufactures an innovative method to help the treatment of periprosthetic PJIs infection by combining the reliability and safety of a preformed spacer, with the versatility of a dynamic spacer made during the surgery, with the possibility to add antibiotics to customize the infection treatment. SpaceFlex Mold System supports the surgeons in selecting an effective and customize solution in terms of size modularity and antibiotic activity, through the antibiotic addition to the G3™/G3A™ cement used to make it. The result of the combination of SpaceFlex Molds and G21 cement is a real custom-modular spacer, realized directly in the O.R. based on the patient’s needs. Spaceflex Technology Portfolio: SpaceFlex Hip and Acetabular Cup SpaceFlex Knee SpaceFlex Shoulder

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