Elekta Ltd
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For almost five decades, Elekta has been a leader in precision radiation medicine. Our nearly 4,000 employees worldwide are committed to ensuring everyone in the world with cancer and brain disorders has access to – and benefits from – more precise, personalized radiotherapy treatments.
Elekta’s inherent, innovative strength fuels the development of precision radiation medicine. This comprises two elements: the opportunity to target radiation therapy with precision in a way that was previously impossible; and the ability to leverage the potential of enormous data volumes using intelligent automation, which improves the treatment processes, the ease of use, and the quality of life for patients.
We work actively to achieve a good balance between offering cost-effective care to as many people as possible, and the development of cutting-edge solutions for treating the most complicated forms of cancer.
This past year, Elekta reached pivotal milestones, shifting the treatment paradigm of radiation oncology for clinicians and patients across the globe. One example is Elekta Unity, a cutting-edge magnetic resonance radiation therapy (MR/RT) technology. Unity enables high-field MR images while radiation is being delivered, allowing clinicians to adapt treatment based on the patient’s daily anatomy. The ability to scan, plan and treat in real time has been the long-sought vision of radiation oncologists.
Elekta will continue to attentively assess its technologies, advancing new solutions to make cancer a more manageable disease. Our commitment is built on a combination of curiosity, innovation and proximity to our customers. We are proud to be the leading innovator in precision radiation medicine.
Headquartered in Stockholm, Sweden, Elekta is listed on NASDAQ Stockholm Exchange. Visit elekta.com or follow @Elekta on Twitter.