Air Sentry Air Purification and Differential Pressure System
Air Sentry is an ULPA 15 based passive air purification system that utilises a unique air multiplier approach to achieve significant levels of mixing and dilution in a clinical environment.
The system is modular and can be fixed or mobile.
Each unit can interface to existing HVAC to supply a mix of recirculated and temperature controlled fresh air.
The system is assured to maintain an equivalent level to EN ISO Level 8 clean rooms for clinical areas and EN ISO Level 9 for non clinical areas.
Each unit is also able to be interfaced to pressure differential modules for maintenance of neutral, positive or negative pressure.
The system can control its own fans so can be used independently of HVAC or alongside it.
As the unit works on particle size, with a minimum efficacy of 99.9992%, clinical environments can be assured to be free of all known pathogens when the system is deployed correctly.
Sub-Categories Offered
Filtration, Purification Systems