STOCKART NurseConnect Remote Medication and Supply Reservation with Web Based Central Application

STOCKART NurseConnect Remote Medication and Supply Reservation with Web Based Central Application

General Services


NurseConnect® reduces the nursing management workload within the hospital, improves patient care quality and improves patient safety by helping to reduce medication errors. Reduces time-consuming waiting and interruptions of the nursing workflow. With NurseConnect®, which maximizes patient care, nurses can reserve medications and medical supplies for their patients remotely for a station that it determines. Nurses can access the record of his/her patient with the web application and therefore shorten the time spent at the station. Multiple patient preparations are also possible. Another time-saving feature of the system is, that nurses can plan for both medication and medical supply needs simultaneously. The system instantly adapts to changes or cancellations in medication orders during the day. Therefore, the real time and updated treatment plan is displayed on the nurse screen. Medications required for each individual treatment are planned and organized in-line with dosage times. Time spent at the station is reduced to a minimum. Herewith queues at stations are eliminated and medication administration time optimized.