Wound Care


Synthetic surgical glue Glubran 2 is a medical device Class III CE marked for internal and external use. Glubran 2 is a synthetic biodegradable(1) cyanoacrylate basis glue, modified by the addition of a monomer synthesized by the manufacturer GEM. Glubran 2 is ready for use(2-5). It has high adhesive(6) and haemostatic(7) properties and once it is polymerised it creates an efficient antiseptic barrier(1,8,9) against the most diffused infective or pathogenic agents during the surgical intervention. Glubran 2 polymerises quickly in contact with live tissue and wet environment creating a thin and elastic film having high tensile properties which guarantee strong adhesion to the tissues(6). This film naturally conforms with the tissues on which it was applied; it is not permeable to liquids and is not altered by blood or organic liquids(7,10)

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