Meteoric Biopharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd.M.E50Meteoric Biopharmaceuticals is a first-generation, research-driven, integrated, and diversified global biopharma leader. With a belief in “ Innovationthrough Discovery”, Meteoric biopharmaceuticals today services over 500+ customers across 50+ industries in the world. Starting from our first office in 2006, from 03 employees to a team of over 125+ skilled professionals. From a single 200 sq feet warehouse to over 50000 sq feet of production area and 02 states-of-art laboratories.
Today we are a one-stop solution for all biological requirements across Enzymes, Probiotics, Nutraceuticals, Finished Formulations, and Animal Health Care. We also offer unique services of Product Customization, concept Formulation and Contract Manufacturing under one roof.