Young-in Biotech Co., Ltd.Z6.A15Youngin Biotech was founded in 2007 and aims to develop cutting-edge medical devices for a healthy and happy life, and experts with decades of know-how and experience in each field work together. In particular, we are developing products that can increase customer satisfaction by utilizing cutting-edge technology through a company-affiliated research center established in 2020. Even now, we are pursuing continuous quality improvement using AIMS 3, an ultrasonic sound field analysis and measurement system, by deploying professional personnel.
Youngin Biotech is rapidly listing in the domestic and international extracorporeal shock wave (ESWT, Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy) markets. While the domestic and international extracorporeal shock wave market was dominated by foreign companies, Youngin Biotech created a new wave in the market with its Array Piezo model, which delivers powerful shocks to a focal point by precisely combining about 200 piezoelectric elements.
Since then, we have introduced the Youngin Biotech brand to the global market by launching the Thorsewave, a pneumatic radial shock wave, and more recently, the Surperstars+ model, which is equipped with a linear method that delivers uniform energy shock waves to a 3D focal area.
Youngin Biotech’s history is full of innovation and effort. Starting from a small office, we have grown into Korea's top cutting-edge extracorporeal shock wave manufacturing company through nearly 20 years of trial and error and success. This is because we have focused our efforts on developing good products by paying attention to market needs.
We participated in this exhibition as an opportunity to launch a new product by developing a new extracorporeal shock wave for animals, positioning ourselves in the Middle East, North American, and European markets in particular.