PLX7500A Digital Intraoperative 3D C-arm
Surgical Instruments
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Transmissionlntegrating with a standardized datatransmission interface for navigation systems,PLX7500A is compatible with the mainstreamnavigation systems on the market. lt can transmitimage data of 3D reconstruction to the navigationequipment through the network cable without
additional manual registration.Real-time guidance andplanning through intraoperative images can assistdoctors in positioning surgical instruments andimplants.
Maximizing surgical confidence with 3D imaging
34"LCD screen presents images with high brightnessand high contrast.
PLX750OA provides 3D and transverse plane imageswithout the need for postoperative CT.
27LCD monitor presents images in real time, easy toobserve the image.
Multi-directional Information Acquisition
With electric sliding (190) along the track, it is stableand convenient to provide clear, multi-direc-tional3D and transverse plane images.
3D lmaging Area
Alarger intraoperative 3D imaging Fov can helpcapture a larger area (whole cervical spine, wholelumbarspine, seven thoracic spine segments, bilateralarticulatio sacroiliaca, caput femoris, and unilateralpelvis) in one shot.
Dual Acquisition Mode
There are two acquisition modes, HD and fast.Theacquisition can be completed in 30 seconds at thefastest, which can significantly shorten the acquisitiontime under the premise of ensuring image quality.
lntraoperative Examinations simplifying the Process
lntraoperative examinations optimize the surgicalprocess by replacing the traditional postoperative CTexamination with intraoperative 3D imaging, which to acertain extent avoids the occurrence of revision
surgery, reduces the cost of surgeries and shortens thehospital stay.
lsocentric Rack Design
An isocentric design is adopted to always keep theexposed part in the X-ray's center during scanning.avoiding repositioning during the process, reducingradiation dose and motion artifacts, and saving time.
3D lmaging, Smart Link withNavigation System
lmage-guided Surge