IV. Cannula / Safety IV. Catheter / SAFETY IV. Cannula/ Safety Intravenous Catheter / IV Cannula

IV. Cannula / Safety IV. Catheter / SAFETY IV. Cannula/ Safety Intravenous Catheter / IV Cannula

Delivery and Access
IV. Cannula / Safety IV. Catheter / SAFETY IV. Cannula/ Safety Intravenous Catheter / IV Cannula
IV. Cannula / Safety IV. Catheter / SAFETY IV. Cannula/ Safety Intravenous Catheter / IV Cannula
IV. Cannula / Safety IV. Catheter / SAFETY IV. Cannula/ Safety Intravenous Catheter / IV Cannula


Safety IV. Catheter with Double safety mechanism- • World’s First Safety I.V. Cannula with Double Safety Mechanism • Size:14G-24G • Sterilization: ETO • Packing: Hard Blister Packing Premium Features: 1. Painless Insertion – Triple Facet Bevel needle for smooth insertion, provide flexible angle. 2. Double Safety Mechanism – Superior Double safety mechanism comes with Double protection of metal & Polymer. 3. Also available with Quick Flash back – For First stick success and higher patient comfort. IV Cannula #medicaldisposables #disposables #consumables #medicalconusmables #medical consumables #delivery #deliveryaccess #medicaldeliveryaccess #catheter #intravenouscatheter #IVcatheter #iv catheter #intravenous catheter#IV. Cannula #Intravenous Catheter #Safety IV. Cannula #Quickflashback #IV. Cannula #catheters #catheter #medical #medicaldevices #hospital #healthcare #incontinence #catheterization #vascular #cath #medtech #medicalequipment #IV.Cannula #IntravenousCatheter #SafetyIV.Cannula #Quickflashback #IV.Cannula #safety #intravenoussafetycatheter #IVsafetycannula #safetycannula #safetycatheter #intravenouscannula #intravenous #intravenouscatheter #cannule #cánula intravenosa #cánulaintravenosa #cánula #الرابع قنية #внутривенная канюля #внутривеннаяканюля #canule intraveineuse #canuleintraveineuse #flashback rapide #flashbackrapide #cânula intravenosa #cânulaintravenosa #medicaldisposables #disposables #consumables #medicalconusmables #medical consumables #delivery #deliveryaccess #medicaldeliveryaccess#singleuse #easytouse #smoothpenetration #smoothinsertion #withwingsandinjectionport #withoutwingsandinjectionport #with wings and injection port #without wings and injection port #lower penetration force #lowerpenetrationforce #smooth penetration #smooth insertion

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