STOCKART MedSMART Automated Medication Management System

STOCKART MedSMART Automated Medication Management System

STOCKART MedSMART Automated Medication Management System
STOCKART MedSMART Automated Medication Management System


MedSMART® is an automated medication management system allowing medication to be monitored in real-time from pharmacy to wards and to patient bedsides, reducing costs while increasing patient safety and healthcare quality of hospital by optimizing pharmacy medication management processes. MedSMART® Automated Medication Management System runs in real-time thanks to pharmacy, billing and ADT (Admission-Discharge-Transfer) integrations made with the existing hospital information system (HIS). This feature reduces the time spent for documentation, eliminates manual billing, maximizes cost management and ensures revenue control and stock accuracy. MedSMART® Automated Medication Management System may run “order-based” when required. Order-based interface ensures pharmacist to validate the order as a second authority before distribution. All medication remove disdropped from inventory when the nurse takes the medication and logs out of the system, only the amount of the medication being taken for the patient is charged to the account of the patient. If the medication is returned to the system, it is returned to the inventory in the same manner and dropped from the invoice record of the patient. In this way, stock follow-up, expenditures and revenues are taken under control. Order-based MedSMART® eliminates end of shift stock taking, ensures narcotic medication control and queries all kinds of inconsistencies that might be occurring on the system with respect to medication management. System automatically sends information to pharmacy for the medication at or below minimum level. It supports cost control with electronic follow up and documentation. MedSMART® stations located within the wards of the hospital are configured as customized for each ward on the basis of number of beds, medication consumption patterns, medication management workflow and number of nurses in the ward.

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