Transforming medical learning: Video education and clinical preparedness for the doctors of tomorrow

Transforming medical learning: Video education and clinical preparedness for the doctors of tomorrow

Monday, January 29, 2024 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM · 30 min. (Asia/Dubai)


Video streaming via the internet has altered the education of physicians. In this session, Dr. Jason Ryan will tell the story of the creation Boards and Beyond, his online video platform for medical students. Since launching in 2014, Boards and Beyond has grown into a library of over 500 videos and thousands of practice questions. It is used by hundreds of thousands of medical students across the globe. The story of its success demonstrates how medical education has changed in the era of the world wide web. Student now learn from instructors around the world in addition to those at their home institution. Faculty at medical schools must adapt to this changing landscape through creation of new and creative learning exercises.

This is an ATTEND IN PERSON session, taking place at Transformation Zone (P.K.10) . If you have any questions about the session, please send an email to Customer Success Team,

Session Type
Conference Track
Transformation Talks

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